Forfattere: Robert F. Lusch og Stephen L. Vargo I 2004 publiserte Stephen L. Vargo og Robert F. Lusch en banebrytende artikkel om hvordan verdiskapning bør forstås gjennom en «tjenestedominant (TD) logikk». Der beskriver de en overgang fra et varefokusert og bedriftsorientert syn til et tjenestefokusert og kundeorientert perspektiv. I denne etterlengtede boken presenterer forfatterne en grundig ..
Tag : service
For servicemedarbeidere og mellomledere i servicebedrifter. HVA ER SERVICE? Definisjon av service. Psykologisk utdyping av servicebegrepet i et kundeperspektiv. PERSONLIG SERVICE – holdninger og handlinger. Servicemedarbeiderens holdnings – og handlingsmønstre i sin serviceytelse som skaper en utmerket service og kundebehandling. ENKELTKUNDEN I FOKUS – viktig både for å skape høy servicekvalitet, og som en stressreduserende ..
Service og kundebehandling gir deg solide kunnskaper om hva som er viktig for deg som kontormedarbeider og derved i rollen som servicemedarbeider i bedriften. Du lærer om servicerollen både når det gjelder din egen bedrift, og overfor eksterne kunder og samarbeidspartnere. Service og kundebehandling består av følgende tema: Service Personlig salg Kontormedarbeideren som servicemedarbeider Samarbeid ..
Bedrifter og ansatte i de fleste bransjer har store utfordringer når det gjelder service og kundebehandling, og det er nødvendig å jevnlig sette disse viktige begrepene på dagsorden. Enten du jobber med kunder, i resepsjon, kundemottak eller sentralbord, mot leverandører, som lederassistent, eller en kombinasjon av disse, trenger du faglig og personlig påfyll. Fornyet kunnskap ..
More than twice as many consumers today believe customer service is improving than in 2008, new research reveals Increasing consumer social digital media activity motivating businesses to deliver better service Consumers twice as likely to switch energy providers than banks, due to poor customer service UK consumers are reporting improved levels of customer service since ..
How well do you know your customers? It’s certainly a tough thing to evaluate. Luckily, one fantastic tool we have in our arsenal for creating happy customers is research in social psychology. We also have data on company-customer interaction. With these insights into the human mind and research studies on customer loyalty, we can more ..
As corporations seek new ways to connect with customers, I set out to uncover insights from some of the top CEOs. Interestingly what emerged are some unexpected answers, like the value of simplicity and the power of the handwritten letter – both of which have elevated in importance in a complex fast-moving digital world. Specifically, ..
Forfattere: Hans Ø. Bondi og Christina C. Grys Service og kundebehandling I logistikk og transport Boken tar for seg følgende temaer: Hva er service? Kunderelasjoner og gjenkjøp Mellommenneskelig kommunikasjon Logistikk . veien til service Organisasjon og service Service er et begrep som går som en rød tråd gjennom boken. Hvis servicen ikke er som den ..
Forfatter: Kjell Rosland Kompendiet er beregnet på servicearbeidere i reiselivet. Den er velegnet for reiselivsstudenter og bedriftsintern opplæring. Boken omtaler bl.a. servicesituasjoner og -utfordringer, service i reiselivet, kundetilfredshet, servicekommunikasjon, etikk og f..
Forfatter: Tore Audun Høie Serviceerklæringer innføres i flere bedrifter i forskjellige former. Denne boken tar opp temaer som serviceerklæringer, serviceavtaler, infrastruktur for service, bruk av moderne teknologi for service mm. Har ordliste, litteraturliste og stikkor..
Forfatter: National Restaurant Association This text focuses on CUSTOMER SERVICE topics. It includes essential content plus learning activities, case studies, professional profiles, research topics and more that support course objectives. The text and exam are part of the ManageFirst Program® from the National Restaurant Association (NRA). This edition is created to teach restaurant and hospitality students the ..
Forfatter: Ken Blanchard “Your customers are only satisfied because their expectations are so low and because no one else is doing better. Just having satisfied customers isn’t good enough anymore. If you really want a booming business, you have to create Raving Fans.” This, in a nutshell, is the advice given to a new Area ..
Forfatter: Adam Erhart With such a huge gap between perceived and actual customer service, there lies an opportunity to raise the bar and rise above the pack. As global competition increases one of the few truly beneficial ways to differentiate your organization is through exceptional customer service, transforming normal business operations into a “customer service ..
Forfatter: Steve Curtin Great customer service is rare. In fact, one survey found that while 80 percent of companies described themselves as delivering “superior” service, consumers estimated the number at a mere 8 percent. The problem, according to service expert Steve Curtin, is actually quite simple. When asked what their work entails, most employees list ..
Forfatter: Micah Solomon In an age of social media, smartphones, self-service, and six-second attention spans, High-Tech, High-Touch Customer Service throws your business a lifeline. Today’s customers are a hard bunch to crack. Time-strapped, screen-addicted, value-savvy, and socially engaged, their expectations are tougher than ever for a business to keep up with. They are empowered like never before ..
Forfatter: Shep Hyken You must deliver an amazing customer experience. Why? It is the competitive edge of new-era business–in any market and any economy. Renowned customer experience expert Shep Hyken explains how consistently amazing customers through stellar service can elevate your company from good to great. All transformations require a role model, and Shep has ..
Forfatter: Jodie Hoffman The Customer Service Manager’s Handbooks are a series of books designed to help Customer Service Manager’s navigate through management issues such as hiring, orientation, training, coaching, motivating, disciplining, and reviewing employees. This is complete collection of all se..
Forfatter: Ron Kaufman We are deep in a service crisis. In the operating room, surgeons and their teams communicate in a very precise language; airplane pilots follow a strict protocol to take off and land safely every time; and, when launching a new product, companies lay out a plan that all employees follow. But when ..
Forfatter: Ray Roberge Customer rage continues to increase! Corporations continue to look to outside sources to crack the secret code to customer satisfaction. Stop looking for someone else to solve the problem. Look inside your organization and use the tips inside this book to turn customer rage into loyalty. It is up to you to ..
Forfatter: Elaine K. Harris For undergraduate courses in Customer Service, Training and Development, and Service Marketing; also as a supplement for a course in Marketing Principles. The market-leader, Customer Service: A Practical Approach, Sixth Edition,goes beyond providing reasons why customer service is important to defining proven methods for creating customer service excellence. Using a hands-on ..
Forfatter: Paul R. Timm Customer Service: Career Success through Customer Loyalty, 6e provides a systematic process for building service skills that all business people need. Presented in a friendly, conversational manner, the text is filled with examples that demonstrate the link between service skills and career achievement. This edition features more on social networking, trustability, ..
Forfatter: Renee Evenson Let’s face it, dealing with customers isn’t easy. They aren’t always right – or even pleasant – but knowing the right words to use can make all the difference. “Powerful Phrases for Effective Customer Service” shares over 700 phrases and scripts that have been proven time and again to defuse even the ..
Forfatter: Renee Evenson Becoming a great customer service manager requires a mastery of skills beyond those needed by frontline employees. Filled with the same accessible, step-by-step guidance as Customer Service Training 101, this user-friendly book shows readers how to develop the skills they need to communicate, lead, train, motivate, and manage those employees responsible for ..
Forfatter: Robert Lucas Customer Service: Skills for Success uses a variety of activities and example to gain and hold readers’ interest while providing additional insights into the concepts and skills related to customer service. The text begins with a macro view of what customer service involves today and provides projections for the future then focuses on ..
Forfatter: Peggy Carlaw Help your employees to excel in dealing with the public with this stimulating, fun-filled collection of customer service training games. Designed not only to teach important skills but also to spark enthusiasm and a high level of involvement in the participants, these games utilize entertaining and instructive techniques such as role-playing, charades, ..
Forfatter: John A. Goodman The success of any organization depends on high-quality customer service. But for companies that strategically align customer service with their overall corporate strategy, it can transcend typical good business to become a profitable word-of-mouth machine that will transform the bottom line. The author draws on over thirty years of research for ..
Forfatter: Robert Spector The Nordstrom Way shows the direct link between empowering your employees and creating a long-term relationship with your customers. More businesses should follow Nordstrom’s example. —Howard Schultz, Chairman, Starbucks Coffee Virtually every company wants to be the Nordstrom of their industry. Nordstrom is one of only five companies to make Fortune’s “best companies ..
Forfatter: Lee Cockerell The former EVP of Walt Disney World shares indispensible Rules for serving customers with consistency, efficiency, creativity, sincerity, and excellence. Lee Cockerell knows that success in business – any business – depends upon winning and keeping customers. In 39 digestible, bite-sized chapters, Lee shares everything he has learned in his 40+ year ..
Forfatter: Theodore Kinni Exceeding expectations rather than simply satisfying them is the cornerstone of the Disney approach to customer service. Now, in honor of the tenth anniversary of the original Be Our Guest, Disney Institute, which specializes in helping professionals see new possibilities through concepts not found in the typical workplace, is revealing even more of ..
Forfatter: Robert Bacal You’ve heard it a million times: “The customer is always right.” But let’s face it–sometimes the customer is misinformed, confused, or downright difficult. The ability to handle such customers is what separates the serious professional from the average employee. Perfect Phrases for Customer Service, second edition, provides the language you need for ..
Forfatter: Victoria Halsey Great customer service is a concept organizations love to be known for. Yet most people consider the service they receive to be average, at best. Customer service is especially important in situations, when you are likely to meet with your customer only once or in somewhat unpleasant circumstances. It is of outmost ..
Forfatter: Lee Cockerell Today, consumers have more choice than ever before. It’s no longer enough to simply provide a service – companies who want to stay in business must also provide impeccable service with such consistency, integrity and creativity that people who experience it will not only keep coming back for more, but recommend your ..
Forfatter: Carol Roth The worst customer situations demand more of front-line employees than good intentions and the right attitude. These kinds of issues can send seasoned service professionals into red alert, and require the communication skills of a crisis counselor. The Customer Service Survival Kit explains how to use the right words to turn volatile ..
Forfatter: Micah Solomon “Filled with treasure and big ideas, this book will help you become exceptional.” – SETH GODIN In a tight market, your most powerful growth engine—and your best protection from competitive inroads—is this: put everything you can into cultivating true customer loyalty. Loyal customers are less sensitive to price competition, more forgiving of ..
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Uten godt HR-arbeid blir det umulig å opprettholde et høyt servicenivå. Ansett folk på bakgrunn av holdningene deres, og sørg for å gi medarbeiderne muligheten til å lykkes i møtet med kundene. For stadig flere virksomheter i vår tid blir service selve hovedproduktet. Men fortsatt henger vi igjen i en ledelsestenkning som er konstruer for ..
Abstract The relationship between specific “bundles” of human resource management (HRM) policies and practices and organisational performance in the hospitality industry is not well understood. Based on open-ended interviews with managerial staff, and examination of management documents, the human resource management policies and practices adopted by a luxury hotel in support of a strategic decision ..
Abstract Direct competition between full service airlines and no-frills carriers is intensifying across the world. US and European full service airlines have lost a significant proportion of their passengers to low cost carriers, the experience now being repeated in the domestic markets of Asia. This paper attempts to provide answers to a number of critical ..
Abstract Evidence on the impact of amplification effects on supply chain performance primarily has been derived from studies in manufacturing industries. In this article we reported on a case study from the telecommunication industry and aimed to analyze relevant root causes and associated countermeasures of the amplification phenomenon in service supply chains. Our case findings ..
Hva er servicekvalitet? Det er kunnskap om hvordan kunder skal behandles for å komme tilbake til oss. Det er holdninger som gjør at service blir et naturlig fenomen for deg. Det er ferdigheter i det å behandle mennesker slik at de føler seg vel. Det er en adferd som viser kunden at du forstår hans ..
I mange virksomheter er det kun selgerne som ser at de har en salgsjobb, mens fakta er at alle ansatte kan med riktig innstilling og adferd bidra til salg. Vi har gjennom mer enn 20 år utviklet og levert servicekurs for “ikkeselgere” som nettopp har til hensikt å få hele organisasjonen til å være selgene. ..
HSMAI Channel har vært på Radisson BLU Plaza Hotel og møtt Tarje Hellebust. Han brenner for god service og her deler han sine tanker om hva han mener god s..
Elisabeth Brochmann, 4. generasjons leder og eier av Hotell- og Restauranthuset Continental snakker om hvordan de jobber m..
HSMAI var i sommeren 2013 på besøk hos reiselivssjef Trond Øverås i forbindelse med kampanjen Fans of Goo..