Ukens navn: Dr. Phil Klaus

Dr. Phil Klaus
Dr Philipp “Phil” Klaus is Professor of Customer Experience and Marketing Strategy, founder of Dr. Phil Klaus & Associates Consulting, and holds multiple visiting professorships around the globe.
I går, torsdag 18. september, hadde HSMAI besøk av Dr. Phil. Han var i Oslo for å besøke HSMAI og for å gjennomføre et webinar. Temaet for webinaret var «Hvordan bygge, måle og administrere de mest lønnsomme kundeopplevelsene?». Et særdeles viktig og lærerikt tema som han er ekspert på. Du kan lese mer om det i Ingunn Weekly og her.
Q: What does a day at work consist of for you?
A: Excitement.
Q: What’s the best part of your job?
A: Having the opportunity to influence someone else’s life in a positive way on a daily base.
Q: Do you have anyone you’ve looked up to?
A: My wife.
Q: Do you have any nice traditions at your office?
A: Yes, always taking out a moment to talk with your colleagues about everything but research.
Q: How long have you been a member of HSMAI?
A: I feel honored to be associated with HSMAI since being invited as a judge for the 2014 Europe Awards in January.
Q: What do you think is the best thing about HSMAI?
A: The constant drive for delivering the best services to their members.
Q: Are there any activities or projects you think HSMAI should start up?
A: If I have, I know that Ingunn will be excited to hear of them.
Q: Describe your perfect weekend.
A: Being with my family in the mountains, close to a bikepark, of course.
Q: What is the title of the book about your life?
A: Question everything.
Q: What is your next travel-destination?
A: Going back home.
Q: Do you have any special hobbies?
A: Downhill/Freeride mountainbiking, and bungee jumping.
Q: Thank you for your time. Do you have any personal comments?
A: Thank you for talking with me, and keep up the good work.
Foto: Dr. Phil Klaus