HSMAI Region Europe Profile: Juliet Howie

Juliet Howie
Commercial Director Global Sales Force
NH Hotel Group

Juliet Howie is a valued member of HSMAI Region Europe’s Sales Executive Advisory Board. Juliet also joined our by-invitation-only Think Tank on Future of Sales in Berlin 8th March.

Q: What does a day at work consist of for you?

A: Very «pronamic«! In other words, a combination of proactive and dynamic – we always have exciting new opportunities coming our way.  In general there is no typical day, but I could be taking clients to one of our upgraded Collection properties, making an internal presentation, having strategic meetings with our top accounts, attending events or working on some of the exciting projects and new developments we have going on within the group.

Q: What’s the best part of your job?

A: Customers, customers and more customers. When a customer stays with us for the first time and has an amazing experience beyond what they expected, it is always a great feeling for me and the team.

Q: Do you have anyone you’ve looked up to?

A: Politics aside – I admire Hillary Clinton for many reasons including her high levels of energy, wide-ranging knowledge and experience, and her work with some great causes. She gets things done and is inspiring for women all over the world to achieve and be the best you can.

Q: Do you have any nice traditions at your office?

A: We have a “lion of the quarter” award within our office for the best sales person.  It could be based on activities, results or something very special they have done for the customer or other team members or stakeholders

Q: How long have you been a member of HSMAI?

A: 3 months.

Q: What do you think is the best thing about HSMAI?

A: The level of industry knowledge and skillset amongst the members is very impressive and it’s a great platform for learning and developing as well as understanding industry best practice.

Q: Are there any activities or projects you think HSMAI should start up?

A: I think it would be great for HSMAI to consider a certified «sales university» with a view to developing the sales person of the future, with skills from technology to negotiation and understanding the customer.

Q: Describe your perfect weekend.

A: Well it would involve a visit to my local health club to exercise, relaxing over the weekend papers (I still find it a luxury to trawl through pages of the Telegraph and the Times, especially the travel section) and then end the day with a good glass of Malbec from Argentina.

Q: If you were trapped on a desert island, what would you take with you, if you could choose one thing?

A: I would take a solar powered music player – it would be fun jamming with the monkeys in the sunset.

Q: What is the title of the book about your life?

A: The Jungle Book , as you often feel you are  in a jungle, especially with new technologies and disruption in the industry.  However it’s also a rewarding adventure because, to quote The Jungle Book, “This is a brief life, but in its brevity it offers us some splendid moments, some meaningful adventures

Q: What is your next travel destination?

A: I’m heading to Rotterdam to visit the amazing nhow hotel.   nhow is our most offbeat and dynamic brand, and the Rotterdam hotel is in a great waterfront position in an area known as «Manhattan on the river Maas». After that I am taking a holiday in Mallorca, which I call «the island of calma» – for its laid back atmosphere, history and fantastic restaurants.

Q: Do you have any special hobbies?

A: I am a mentor for the Cherie Blair foundation for Women in Business, which gives me the opportunity to mentor up and coming business women in countries like Nigeria, South America, India etc (http://www.cherieblairfoundation.org/).

Q: Thank you for your time. Do you have any personal comments?

A: It was my pleasure. Although I am only a relatively new member of HSMAI, I am really enjoying meeting industry colleagues and discussing new trends, issues and opportunities. To finish with a quote that I believe is from Albert Schweitzer: «Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.»