New Advisory Board for Event Marketing

Next week HSMAI in Norway will have its first meeting with their brand new Advisory Board on Event Marketing.
Attention to overall communication ranks high on HSMAI’s agenda. Bearing in mind that events have become an increasingly important element for our members and their clients,” says Ingunn Hofseth (right), HSMAI Europe’s President and CEO. HSMAI is now calling for potential members for its Advisory Board for Events Marketing in Europe.
Call for advisory board members in Europe
Their contribution will include the recognition of and focus on meeting and events as a vital part of industry’s strategy. With this initiative HSMAI wants to further reinforce and profesionalise the industry – a process that finds itself in its initial stages in Norway, where a 17-member advisory board commence its work next week.
Needless to say, this facilitates the possibility of a Pan-European cooperation, speerheaded by HSMAI Europe’s Event Marketing Advisory Board to be.
Could you – or one of your colleagues – be the one we’re looking for?
Please do not hesitate to make contact at +47 916 52 873 or
HSMAI Advisory Board Event Marketing Norway:
- Anniken Enger, Rådgiver, Aniara analyse
- Bente Bratland Holm, Reiselivsdirektør, VisitOSLO
- Christopher Mortensen, Partner, Geelmuyden Kiese
- Dominic Gorham, Guest Relation Manager, THE THIEF
- Espen Ferbu, Senior rådgiver, NovaVista
- Frode Aasheim, Managing Director, Norway Convention Bureau
- Ingeline Gjelsnes, Markedsdirektør, Carlings
- Jens Nesse, Daglig leder, Playroom
- Marie-Louise Strömberg, Salgssjef, TusenFryd Event
- Mette Snekvik Dæhli, Key Account Manager Meetings, Nordic Choice Hotels
- Petter Gjelsnes, Fagansvarlig, JCPr
- Rune Bjerke, Førsteamanuensis og Fagansvarlig for Event Management, Markedshøyskolen
- Sarah Nicole Seligson, Project Manager, Just Cruzin´ Production
- Siw Schneider Johannessen, Markedsansvarlig/Forretningsutvikling, DNB Eiendom
- Tine Birkeland, Director of Marketing, Communication & PR, Norway, Scandic Hotels
- Tore Frisholm, Prosjektleder / Partner, Sketch Production
- Tore Sergei Myklebust, CEO & Artistic Producer, Starworks
Photographer: Gunnar Kopperud/