Ukens navn: Steven Dow

Steven Dow
Vice President of Revenue Management – Europe
Diamond Resorts International
Steven is a member of the HSMAI Europe Revenue Management Advisory Board, and the Vice President of Revenue Management Europe at Diamond Resorts International.
Q: What does a day at work consist of for you?
A: Leading and developing a large team of people whilst trying my very best to achieve associated revenue and non-revenue focussed business goals. My remit covers Europe and I report directly to our global headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, which results in excessive travel throughout Europe and North America. I have team members in North West England, UK, also an office in Costa del Sol, Spain, and in Tenerife in the Canary Islands, as well as shared business operations in Orlando and Las Vegas. My title specifies Revenue Management, but my role actually covers inventory, yield and revenue management, call centre operations, marketing and distribution, accounts payable and receivable and the European hotel business.
Q: What’s the best part of your job?
A: I am lucky to get to travel all over the world with my job and invited to attend some amazing events and experiences as well as meet some phenomenal people too. I get a huge kick out of developing team members, coaching them through change and assisting them in growing their careers and being successful, that’s what truly gets me up in the morning.
Q: Do you have anyone you’ve looked up to?
A: Yes, of course. I believe we all need coaches and mentors to help us grow. Personally I have been very fortunate to experience great leadership at a young age working closely for a number of years in a past job with the European sales and marketing director. At the time I only liked it because at a young age she let me drive her new E-Class Mercedes all over the UK as she worked alongside me. Unbeknown to me that was the greatest subliminal apprenticeship I could have ever dreamed of watching a successful leader day by day in action on the job, only something later in my career I actually realised. Today I work in a very entrepreneurial and fast-paced business and under amazing leadership who look to develop me at every opportunity which is amazing. Two gentlemen right now mentor me at my current company and they have been the absolute key to getting me to my most recent position in the business, to them I am very thankful as I am not the easiest person to coach!
Q: Do you have any nice traditions at your office?
A: As a business we focus heavily on living our brand message, Stay Vacationed. A lot of companies have impressive brand tenants and mantras but don’t in truth really live up to them in my experience. At Diamond Resorts International, I have to say it is truly exercised from the CEO down and has been very effective in improving not only the life quality of our team members but equally impacting the health and happiness of our members, owners and guests around the world. We celebrate globally holidays and festivities as well as focus on localised traditional events too at our locations across the globe whilst also practising what we preach and taking our own vacations and sharing our memorable vacation tales and experiences within the business … staying vacationed.
Q: For how long have you known HSMAI?
A: For just over a year, we actually have corporate membership with approximately 50 team members registered who regularly attend HSMAI educational events adding to their growth and personal development in their roles. After being invited to speak at an HSMAI event in London, I was then invited to take a seat on the HSMAI Europe Revenue Management Advisory Board which was an absolute compliment to accept. I’ve now sat with major senior players in our industry and shared thoughts, dreams and challenges for our respective board, a truly rewarding experience to get the chance to make a difference to the industry.
Q: What do you think is the best thing about HSMAI?
A: The professionalism. To me it really feels well managed and operated and its goals for industry advisory and change are relevant and up to date. Much of this professionalism not only comes from the executive board and their leadership but equally from the calibre of board members who give up their time to make a valued contribution to HSMAI.
Q: Are there any activities or projects you think HSMAI should start up?
A: Without breaking confidentiality here (hopefully!), I can talk about the fact our advisory board that I sit on is very passionate about better engagement of the youth into HSMAI and our greater industry … so stay tuned on this one as there will be a big announcement at the 6th Annual HSMAI Europe Revenue Optimization Conference on 10 February 2016 in London!
Q: Describe your perfect weekend.
A: Catching a flight on the Friday to get home on time for a change, followed by a nice meal with my family, going out for the day with the kids and getting some great memories … Who am I kidding?! A perfect weekend would be out on my motocross bike deep in mud, pulling wheelies and going over jumps demonstrating my full mid-life crisis with no kids in sight!
Q: If you were trapped on a desert island, what would you take with you, if you could choose just one thing?
A: It would have to be another person. Otherwise I would go mad on my own with nobody to talk to. And I talk a lot.
Q: What is the title of the book about your life?
A: Never give up.
Q: What is your next travel destination?
A: Orlando, Florida, USA.
Q: Do you have any special hobbies?
A: I started my own YouTube channel a year ago to track my progress into the word of motocross, to date I have 65 subscribers (lol) and 7600 views! If you are really bored, have a look:
Q: Thank you for your time. Do you have any personal comments?
A: A mentor told me a great one to think about that I like and you may relate to. With meetings upon meetings we are all busy on mobile devices and trying to do many things at one time for many people but, he says … When you are in the room, be in the room.
Foto: Steven Dow, Vice President of Revenue Management – Europe,
Diamond Resorts International. (PRIVAT)