Hotelchamp entering into HSMAI Region Europe partnership

Hotelchamp recently signed an agreement to venture into a partnership with HSMAI Region Europe. The company will be joining HSMAI for several events, starting with the HSMAI ROC and DOC in Amsterdam on 29 March.

«We are pleased to venture into a partnership with such a young and dynamic company, for the benefit for our members,» says HSMAI Region Europe President and CEO Ingunn Hofseth in a statement.

«With HSMAI being leaders in helping hotels achieve smart and sustainable hotel growth, it is great that we are aligning our brands to further our shared mission. With this platform we believe we can better share our expertise and vision on the future of direct revenue. Together HSMAI and Hotelchamp can improve the rate of direct bookings and help hotels build their guest relations,» says Hotelchamp CEO Kristian Valk, adding:

«With such a high level of knowledge, HSMAI is responding to the latest trends and challenges in the industry. It is a great platform for us to share our vision and expertise about the landscape and future of direct revenue and guest engagement by using smart technology.»

Hotelchamp boosts direct revenue and builds guest relations. The goal is to restore balance between direct and third party hotel bookings. With an experienced team of 40+ employees, Hotelchamp provides smart technology that analyses the characteristics and behaviour of potential hotel guests to present smart tools that effectively engage and interact with website visitors on a personal level. This way, the hotels are able to offer better customer service and encourage direct bookings. More than 1,000 hotels from over 30 countries benefit from the Hotelchamp solution. Their mission is to help hotels worldwide gain more control over their direct revenue and restore an equilibrium and fairness to the hotel industry.

For details on Hotelchamp, please click below logo:

HotelChamp logo

Photo: Hotelchamp founders Kristian Valk (CEO) and Kasper Middelkoop (CMO). Photograph from Hotelchamp.