Ingunn Weekly: Palma de Mallorca

Denne uken har jeg jobbet i Palma. Jeg er her som følge av at HSMAI Region Europe er blitt veldig aktive i Spania, og jeg har hatt mange møter her.

Veldig glad for hjelpen vi har fått fra La Paloma Event og Mallorca Convention Bureau. Jeg har også hatt møter med flere hotellkjeder og andre spennende aktører.

I første omgang arrangerer vi faglige møter i Palma, Madrid og Barcelona, men flere destinasjoner i Spania kommer til senere.

I går kveld arrangerte vi et event her i Palma, og det fikk svært god tilbakemelding. Generelt har vi fått en varm mottagelse  i Spania, og i dag, fredag, hadde jeg møte med administrerende direktør for hotellorganisasjonen her på Mallorca, Maria José Agulió, og de vil spre budskapet om oss – og også samarbeide med oss.

Sammen er vi sterkere!

I morgen tidlig går turen hjem til Oslo for helgen, og hele neste uke skal vi jobbe i London.

April i Palma

I april vil vi være svært aktive i Palma med våre europeiske aktiviteter.  Husk å melde deg og dere på mens det fremdeles er spesialpriser tilgjengelig, både for konferansen og

Mer om aktivitetene:


April 9th – The Curate – The Executive Insights Forum

Curate is free to attend for Organizational Members

This is a great opportunity to connect with contemporaries around emerging issues and growing trends – resulting in invaluable insights that can help them and their companies lead through the most critical business concerns that the industry is, and will be, dealing with.

After the success of our two first European Curate in Amsterdam in April and in London in September last year we are very excited to organize this event  in Palma. The Curate is for senior executives who want to engage with other executives about cross-discipline issues impacting your company and our industry.

The Curate will be moderated by  Michael Nowlis, Associate Dean, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University

More here


April 10th The ROC & DOC

Europe’s number one place for the latest trends and news in Revenue Optimization, Digital Marketing and Distribution for the travel, hospitality and event industry.

Top experts and inspirational speakers, sharing their insights and tips on Revenue Optimization, Digital Marketing and Distribution.

More here

Think Tank

April 11th – Think Tank in cooperation with HITEC

Target group: Chief marketing officer or director of marketing

HSMAI and HFTP Think Tank is taking place in Palma de Mallorca on Thursday April 11th – the day after our annual conference the ROC & DOC. The Think Tank will take place at MELIÃ PALMA BAY & Palau de Congressos · Palma. Registration and breakfast from 08:00 and the educational starts at 09:00 and last until 11:00. This event is by invitation only!

“The Strategic Integration of Marketing and Technologies” will be the topic for the Think Tank. This will be a small group all together about 10-15 people.

The moderator is Robyn Pratt, Managing Director, Impact Consulting

More here


April 11th – Certification in Revenue Management

On Thursday April 11th HSMAI Region Europe will host an interactive Revenue Management workshop, after which the participants will complete the globally recognised CRME certification exam.

The certification workshop will take place at Palau de Congressos de Palma – Managed by Melia Hotels International

Certified Revenue Management Executive (CRME) certification: The more you know, and the more you can prove you know, the better ROI you can provide to your employer or prospective employer, the more you can improve your company’s bottom line, and the better you can position yourself in your chosen discipline.

More here

Vi håper å se deg og teamet ditt i Palma i april!

Ha en riktig god helg!

Med vennlig hilsen
Ingunn Hofseth
President & CEO
HSMAI Region Europe

Toppfoto: Maria José Agulió, administrerende direktør for hotellorganisasjonen på Mallorca, sammen med Ingunn Hofseth, administrerende direktør i HSMAI Region Europe, i Palma de Mallorca.