Ukens navn: Michael McCartan

Michael McCartan
Managing Director, EMEA

Michael McCartan is a valued member of HSMAI Region Europe’s Revenue Management Advisory Board. Duetto is also one of HSMAI Region Europe ROC Gold Partners. See also The Ultimate Guide to Hotel Revenue Strategy below. 

Q: What does a day at work consist of for you?

A: I don’t have a typical day. Some days I’m on the road meeting clients and prospects, some days I’m at events meeting interesting people and giving presentations, and other days I’m in the office or working from home. Variety is the spice of life and my job has plenty of that.

Q: What’s the best part of your job?

A: The hospitality industry is full of vibrant and interesting people and I am extremely grateful that my job has given the opportunity to meet so many of them from all over the globe.

Q: Do you have anyone you’ve looked up to?

A: Nelson Mandela. I grew up in apartheid South Africa and the humility and forgiveness he showed to ensure a peaceful transition to democracy is unrivalled and a lesson to everyone.

Q: Do you have any nice traditions at your office?

A: Our London office is just over two year’s old so no traditions as such, but Duetto has a fantastic culture. We don’t think work means sitting at a desk all day. We enjoy flexible hours, working from home when necessary and a healthy dose of fun team stuff. Sometimes the best ideas are born over beers in the pub.

Q: How long have you been a member of HSMAI?

A: 2 years.

Q: What do you think is the best thing about HSMAI?

A: Creating an identity for the digital marketing and revenue management community. Our industry is very fragmented and HSMAI allows professionals working in these disciplines to galvanise best practices and increase the relevance of these functions within hotel operations.

Q: Are there any activities or projects you think HSMAI should start up?

A: I would like HSMAI to grow its membership by being more prominent in supporting digital marketing and revenue management professionals week by  week, and not just hosting the big events and providing the CRME certification.

Q: Describe your perfect weekend.

A: A weekend in the countryside away from mod cons doing fun outdoor activities with my family. Having grown up in Africa the love of nature runs deep in my veins.

Q: If you were trapped on a desert island, what would you take with you, if you could choose one thing?

A: Being a practical person I’d say a Bear Grylls survival guide or a Swiss army knife.

Q: What is the title of the book about your life?

A: Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think!

Q: What is your next travel destination?

A: Cyprus for the Easter holidays.

Q: Do you have any special hobbies?

A: I still play 5-a-side football every week and occasionally I get a round of golf in when my busy schedule allows.

Q: Thank you for your time. Do you have any personal comments?

A: Here’s to a successful event next week. Let ROC rock!

The Ultimate Guide to Hotel Revenue Strategy

Duetto recently published their Ultimate Guide to Hotel Revenue Strategy, made downloadable here, as a 1.3 mb PDF (please click this front cover):

The Ultimate Guide to Hotel Revenue Strategy