HSMAI Breakfast meeting in Oslo on Revenue Strategy

HSMAI Breakfast meeting in Oslo on Revenue Strategy

Learn from a Revenue Manager how GMs and others can get the most out of the Revenue Management team We will focus on how to establish a common understanding of strategy and expectations – and work on a long-term perspective. Time: Thursday May 23rd from 08:30 – 11:00 Place: Høyskolen Kristiania Address: Kirkegata 24 Program 08:30-09:00: Registration and breakfast 09:00-10:30: How to get the most out of the Revenue Management team 10:30-11:00: Networking Speaker: Dave Overeem, CRME, Corporate Revenue Manager,…

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Ingunn Weekly: London og Palma

Ingunn Weekly: London og Palma

Vi er tilbake fra en flott påskeferie. Rett i forkant av påsken var vi i Palma med hele tre eventer samt en workshop for vår globale sertifisering innen Revenue Management. Det ga mersmak, og sammen med vår samarbeidspartner HITEC skal vi tilbake til Palma neste år. Datoene er satt, og det blir fra 21. til 23. april 2020. Der vil vi blant annet arrangere en ny konferanse i HSMAI Region Europe-regi, med fokus på Marketing…

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Join HSMAI for a Breakfast Meeting in Stockholm

Join HSMAI for a Breakfast Meeting in Stockholm

Learn from a Revenue Manager how GMs and others can get the most out of the Revenue Management team We will focus on how to establish a common understanding of strategy and expectations – and work on a long-term perspective. Time: Friday 10 May at 08:30 am Place: Clarion Hotel Stockholm 08:30-09:00: Registration and breakfast 09:00-10:30: How to get the most out of the Revenue Management team 10:30-11:00: Networking Speaker: Dave Overeem, CRME, Corporate Revenue Manager, Inntel…

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HSMAIs Palma de Mallorca-eventer nærmer seg

HSMAIs Palma de Mallorca-eventer nærmer seg

Forberedelsene til HSMAI-begivenhetene i Palma de Mallorca, fra 9. til 11. april, er i god gjenge. Eventene arrangeres sammen med HFTPs HITEC Europe-konferanse og messe, og HSMAI Region Europe-sjef Ingunn Hofseth oppfordrer norske aktører til å bli med. – Ledere i reiselivsbransjen som vil vite mer om såkalte revenue-strategier og distribusjon, så vel som markedsføring og reiselivsteknologi og mer, bør sørge for at de ikke går glipp av denne unike muligheten, sier hun. I løpet…

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Paris Think Tank focus on talent and data analytics

Paris Think Tank focus on talent and data analytics

Last Tuesday saw the completion of an HSMAI Region Europe Revenue Management Advisory Board meeting and one of several HSMAI Region Europe Think Tanks, both held at the AccorHotels Rue Henry Farman headquarters in Paris, emphasizing the growing importance of Revenue Management, increased market volatility, and talent and data, according to this report from the RM Advisory Board chair and vice chair respectively, Mr. Paul van Meerendonk and Mr. Steven Dow. The HSMAI Region Europe…

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Amadeus og Accenture bruker kunstig intelligens for å øke SAS’ inntekter fra tilleggstjenester

Amadeus og Accenture bruker kunstig intelligens for å øke SAS’ inntekter fra tilleggstjenester

Amadeus har, sammen med Accenture, utviklet en AI-basert analysetjeneste for salg av tilleggstjenester som hjelper SAS å øke sine inntekter. Ved å kombinere selskapets teknologi og ekspertise innen flybransjen med Accentures sterke dataanalyse og maskinlæringsmodeller*, har Amadeus gjort det mulig for SAS å utnytte datadrevet innsikt til å raskt generere verdi. Last ned hele studien her, for å lese mer om hvordan Amadeus og Accenture har hjulpet SAS med å optimalisere sine tilleggstjenester i tråd…

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HSMAI Region Europe and the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne enter partnership

HSMAI Region Europe and the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne enter partnership

Senior lecturer at Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne in Switzerland, Scott Dahl, with a long and impressive career in hospitality, now joining HSMAI Region Europe’s Revenue Management Advisory Board, expresses optimism on behalf of the hospitality students soon to enter our profession, as the world-renowned Swiss school enters full HSMAI membership. ‘We are extremely pleased to welcome Scott Dahl on the Revenue Management Adisory Board,’ HSMAI Region Europe President and CEO Ingunn Hofseth (below) says. ‘His…

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HSMAI and Level60 Partner on Revenue Management Curriculum Tools and New Student Certification

HSMAI and Level60 Partner on Revenue Management Curriculum Tools and New Student Certification

The Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) is pleased to announce a partnership with Level60 Consulting (Level60) to offer hospitality faculty members a course and classroom tools to teach revenue management, leading to a new HSMAI student certification. Designed expressly for faculty, the course and classroom tools will enable full-time and adjunct professors to customize existing classes or create new classes with the most current principles of revenue management. All instructional materials are provided…

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Monika Moser ny Director of Distribution & Revenue Manager for Best Western Hotels & Resorts

Monika Moser ny Director of Distribution & Revenue Manager for Best Western Hotels & Resorts

Monika Moser tiltrer rollen som Director of Distribution & Revenue Management for Best Western Hotels & Resorts. Hun skal ha ansvar for kjedens distribusjon og prisoptimalisering, for å maksimere hotellenes kundetilfredshet, inntekter og lønnsomhet. Moser kommer nå fra hotellkjeden Radisson Hotel Group, og før det fra Starwood Hotels og NORSE Hotels. Monika Moser skal ha ansvar for kjedens distribusjonsplattform, men også for optimalisering av de ulike distribusjonskanalene. Hun vil arbeide tett med hotellene i kjeden,…

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Ukens navn: Michael McCartan

Ukens navn: Michael McCartan

Michael McCartan Managing Director, EMEA Duetto Michael McCartan is a valued member of HSMAI Region Europe’s Revenue Management Advisory Board. Duetto is also one of HSMAI Region Europe ROC Gold Partners. See also The Ultimate Guide to Hotel Revenue Strategy below.  Q: What does a day at work consist of for you? A: I don’t have a typical day. Some days I’m on the road meeting clients and prospects, some days I’m at events meeting interesting people…

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29th March 2017: Sign up for HSMAI Region Europe 7th Annual ROC

29th March 2017: Sign up for HSMAI Region Europe 7th Annual ROC

Sign up now for 7th Annual HSMAI Region Europe Revenue Optimization Conference ROC, taking place in Amsterdam on Wednesday 29th March 2017. The conference along with many other HSMAI Region Europe key events taking place on 29th and 30th March 2017 is co-located with HITEC Amsterdam. Read more about the collaboration in the press release here.   HSMAI Region Europe 7th Annual Revenue Optimization Conference ROC Wednesday 29th March 2017 RAI Amsterdam     Here…

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Meet our sponsors at HSMAI Region Europe ROC 2016

Meet our sponsors at HSMAI Region Europe ROC 2016

Come and join us at the 6th Annual HSMAI Region Europe ROC 2016 next week in London and meet our great sponsors: HSMAI Region Europe Annual Gold Sponsors Gold Sponsors of HSMAI Region Europe ROC 2016 Sponsors of HSMAI Region Europe ROC 2016 See you at the Radisson Blu Portman Hotel in London on 10 February For further details, please visit: hsmairoc.eu

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HSMAI Europe’s February events site launches

HSMAI Europe’s February events site launches

HSMAI Europe’s February events now boast a website of their own, launching across Europe today, following a couple of intense days of implementation, design and content management – all by HSMAI Europe’s in-house team of versed communication experts. The next Revenue Optimization Conference, the 6th of its kind, is to be held in London on 10 February 2016. Visit the site now for up-to-date details on HSMAI Europe’s 6th Annual Revenue Optimization Conference, the HSMAI European…

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6 November: HSMAI Global Revenue Management Certification (CRME) in London

6 November: HSMAI Global Revenue Management Certification (CRME) in London

Friday 6 November HSMAI Europe are back in London for the third time this year, for the HSMAI Global Revenue Management Certification (CRME). The trainer for the day is Janel Clark, Head of Consultancy & Education at SnapShot. The certification will take place at Hilton London Kensington Hotel. The address is 179-199 Holland Park Ave, London W11 4UL Please contact Kaisla for the application form and questions at ks@hsmai.eu. Read more. Photo: Janel Clark, Head of Consultancy & Education…

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28 October 2015: HSMAI Europe invites you to Dublin

28 October 2015: HSMAI Europe invites you to Dublin

Sign up today for the first HSMAI Europe National Conference in Dublin, focusing on Digital Marketing, Distribution, and Revenue Optimisation. The conference will take place on Wednesday 28 October at the Gresham Hotel in Dublin. Please remember to book your room at The Gresham Dublin since Dublin is busy during this time. You can book your stay here:  http://www.gresham-hotels-dublin.com/ This will be the first ever HSMAI Europe conference held in Ireland. Join us for a day…

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Lennert De Jong New HSMAI Europe Revenue Management Board Chair

Lennert De Jong New HSMAI Europe Revenue Management Board Chair

In a recent meeting citizenM Hotels’ Commercial Director Lennert De Jong was elected to succed Christian Boerger as chair of the HSMAI Europe Revenue Management Board, accompanied by IDeaS Revenue Solutions’ Senior Manager Paul Van Meerendonk as vice chair. «The commitment among the Revenue Management Advisory Board members, and their genuine intention to contribute to the further development of our industry, is inspiring,» Ingunn Hofseth, HSMAI Europe’s President and CEO, says, adding: «We couldn’t dream…

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Sommermøte på Thon Hotel Vika Atrium

Sommermøte på Thon Hotel Vika Atrium

Lurer du på hvordan din organisasjon vil se ut i fremtiden? Digital Marketing og Revenue Management griper mer og mer i hverandre. Hva med Revenue Managers rolle og mandat? Hvordan tilpasser vi organisasjonen for fremtiden? HSMAI inviterer deg til foredrag og debatt på Thon Hotel Vika Atrium torsdag 11. juni fra kl 14.00 til 16.15+, etterfulgt av noe enkelt å spise, og god vin. Vi innleder med et foredrag på engelsk, ved Alex Barros, Vice…

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HSMAI Europe Revenue Management Conference to focus on the practicalities of developing a Total Revenue Management Programme

The third HSMAI Europe Annual Revenue Management Conference, in London on 7 February, focuses on Total Revenue Management. The conference addresses the unique challenges those responsible for revenue management face in optimising revenues across all profit centres, including developing a cross departmental revenue management culture, sourcing the tools and technology available, to support total revenue management programmes, and the implementation process. Roundtable sessions are scheduled to allow for in-depth discussion on how to work with…

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HSMAI Europe Announces theme for Third Annual Revenue Management Conference, registration now open

HSMAI Europe is proud to announce registration is now open for the third annual revenue management conference in London 7 February 2013. The theme for this year’s conference is Total Revenue Management – A practical approach to optimising profitability. The conference offers a one-day interactive programme that discusses the latest trends in optimising total revenues across all profit centres, and offers revenue professionals an opportunity to discuss, debate and review the challenges facing revenue managers…

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HSMAI Europe Revenue Management Conference 2013

Thursday 7 February 2013 The Rembrandt Hotel, 11 Thurloe Place, London, SW7 2RS Total Revenue Management – A practical approach to optimising profitability Join HSMAI Europe for the day to explore Total Revenue Management; find out what it is, learn about new metrics and how to plan an optimisation programme. With practical advice from experienced revenue managers, F&B outlet operators and revenue management practitioners plus plenty of opportunity to meet with providers of reports and…

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