Ingunn Weekly: 5. 6. og 7. februar aktive HSMAI-dager i London

Den 7. februar arrangerer HSMAI Europe for tredje gang den årlige Revenue Management-konferansen i London, og denne gangen med enda flere påmeldte enn tidligere. Det lover godt. Videresend gjerne konferanseinvitasjonen til RM-teamet deres. I forbindelse med denne konferansen, innledet vi i fjor et samarbeid med den internasjonale messearrangøren Centatur Media. I år forsterker vi samarbeidet, og har innledet samarbeid med dem om nysatsingen Hospitality Technology Expo. Les mer i pressemeldingen i denne utgaven av HSMAI…

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First ever Hospitality Technology Expo teams up with HSMAI Europe’s Total Revenue Management Conference to offer a joint visitor package

Hospitality Technology Expo (HTE), the new dedicated event where Europe’s leading hospitality technology professionals come to update their knowledge, network with peers and source new technology, has announced an exciting partnership with HSMAI Europe’s Total Revenue Management Conference to offer a joint visitor package. The joint visitor package, which allows industry personnel to attend both events is available now and interested participants can register at to get their passes and find out the benefits…

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Welcome to the Hospitality Technology Expo and HSMAI's Total Revenue Management Conference

Se originally formatted invitation here REGISTER | CONFERENCE | NETWORK | BROCHURE | WHEN & WHERE Together with our partner Centaur Exhibitions we are offering you a fantastic joint visitor package for Hospitality Technology Expo and Total Revenue Management Conference 2013. Visit Europe’s only dedicated exhibition for the hospitality industry, Hospitality Technology Expo on Wednesday 6 February at Earls Court 2, London and then attend Total Revenue Management 2013 Conference on Thursday 7 February at…

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