HSMAI, in cooperation with Customer Alliance, hands out the Satisfaction Award on The HSMAI Day

In recent developments it has been agreed that HSMAI Region Europe, in cooperation with German company Customer Alliance, will hand out a national award on the upcoming HSMAI Day in London on Friday the 14th of September, based on customer satisfaction data and reviews.
The HSMAI & Customer Alliance Satisfaction Award will be handed out in all countries where HSMAI is set to host the HSMAI Day: Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Sweden.
The award is part of the HSMAI Winning for Customer – The Service Pledge initiative. For more details on the initiative, please see this.
‘Delivering first class service to all guests is the goal of any hospitality establishment, and we’re excited to be able to recognise the best of the best with the HSMAI & Customer Alliance Satisfaction Award. Too often the great service that hoteliers, tour operators, and other hospitality companies deliver goes unnoticed or is taken for granted. It’s a fantastic opportunity to give recognition where it’s due and we feel that there is no better partner to achieve this with than HSMAI,’ stated co-founder and Chief Operation Office of Customer Alliance, Torsten Sabel, adding ‘We’re excited to announce the national winner in the UK in September, at the HSMAI Day UK at the Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel.’
Customer Alliance will source an overview of the UK hospitality market that is as complete as possible, and the same will eventually go for all countries where HSMAI is set to host the HSMAI Day, namely Germany, Holland, Norway, Spain and Sweden, to begin with (please see dates and program below).
They will retrieve as much data as they’re able to across a maximum amount of portals for each of the hospitality companies, such as hotels, restaurants, activity vendors and destination companies, to mention but a few. This would include portals, such as TripAdvisor, booking.com, Hotels.com, Google, Facebook and more. The goal is to have an as comprehensive overview of the market as they can possibly collect. The companies with the best scores over the past twelve months are then surveyed, together with a number of filters, such as minimum number of reviews (the more guests you have, the harder it is to maintain quality).
‘By restricting the survey to the previous twelve months, this can be done annually, reflecting the past year. That means that candidates cannot rely on great performances from years gone by, which could potentially inflate or deflate the lifetime average score,’ Torsten Sabel explains.
Several finalists will be shortlisted for the HSMAI Day in London and in countries to follow, where a winner is named.
‘Together with Customer Alliance we will use this award as a means to build up trust, make measurable awards and work with satisfaction data,’ says HSMAI Region Europe’s project manager Linda Merethe Ramberg.
For further details on the HSMAI Day in the UK September 14th, please see this.
Please contact Project Manager Linda M. Ramberg for more information.
E: lmr@hsmai.eu, M: +47 928 03 694
The HSMAI Day to be held in different European cities:
HSMAI Day | Date |
The HSMAI Day UK, London |
Friday September 14th
The HSMAI Day Norway, Oslo |
Monday September 24th
The HSMAI Day Holland, Amsterdam |
Thursday October 4th
The HSMAI Day Sweden, Stockholm |
Thursday October 11th
The HSMAI Day Germany, Berlin |
Tuesday October 16th
The HSMAI Day Spain, Madrid |
Tuesday October 23rd
See our calendar here.