HSMAIs Palma de Mallorca-eventer nærmer seg

HSMAIs Palma de Mallorca-eventer nærmer seg

Forberedelsene til HSMAI-begivenhetene i Palma de Mallorca, fra 9. til 11. april, er i god gjenge. Eventene arrangeres sammen med HFTPs HITEC Europe-konferanse og messe, og HSMAI Region Europe-sjef Ingunn Hofseth oppfordrer norske aktører til å bli med. – Ledere i reiselivsbransjen som vil vite mer om såkalte revenue-strategier og distribusjon, så vel som markedsføring og reiselivsteknologi og mer, bør sørge for at de ikke går glipp av denne unike muligheten, sier hun. I løpet…

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HSMAI & HFTP Think Tank for CMOs & CIOs

HSMAI & HFTP Think Tank for CMOs & CIOs

By invitation only Thursday April 11th from 07:45 am to 10:15 am Including breakfast Meliá Palma Bay & Palau de Congressos, Palma HSMAI and HFTP Think Tank is taking place in Palma de Mallorca on Thursday April 11th – the day after our annual conference, the ROC & DOC and during HITEC Europe. The Think Tank will take place at MELIÁ PALMA BAY & Palau de Congressos, Palma. Registration and breakfast from 07:45 and the…

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HSMAI Region Europe to co-locate events with HITEC in Palma de Mallorca

HSMAI Region Europe to co-locate events with HITEC in Palma de Mallorca

In the wake of the last two years’ co-location of HSMAI Region Europe’s ROC & DOC (Revenue Optimization Conference and Distribution Optimization Conference) and HFTP’s HITEC Europe in Amsterdam the two organizations have agreed to extend their partnership to next year. For the very first time the events will take place in Palma de Mallorca. Next year’s venue will be the hotel and convention center Palau de Congressos in Palma and the events will take…

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HFTP and HSMAI Region Europe to Co-locate European Conferences

HFTP and HSMAI Region Europe to Co-locate European Conferences

AUSTIN, TEXAS, USA (November 30, 2017) — Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) and HSMAI Region Europe, the hospitality, sales and marketing association international, are pleased to extend their partnership and co-locate European conferences again in April 2018. HSMAI Region Europe will co-locate its Revenue Optimization Conference (ROC) and its Digital and Distribution Optimization Conference (DOC) and their other events with HFTP’s HITEC® Amsterdam. HSMAI Region Europe’s, Annual ROC and DOC conference will take place on Tuesday 10TH…

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The latest in hospitality Revenue Management, Distribution and Digital Marketing trends presented in Amsterdam 29–30 March

The latest in hospitality Revenue Management, Distribution and Digital Marketing trends presented in Amsterdam 29–30 March

Europe’s number one leading annual events for Revenue Management, Digital Marketing and Distribution for the hospitality industry is taking place in Amsterdam on Wednesday and Thursday 29–30 March, co-located with HITEC Amsterdam 2017 – and you are very welcome to attend. «This is HSMAI Region Europe’s 7th Revenue Optimization Conference, with the added value of Digital and Distribution Optimization, held as a two-day event in Amsterdam’s RAI Exhibition and Convention Centre,» says HSMAI Region Europe President and…

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HSMAI Region Europe DOC – Digital & Distribution Optimization Conference 29th March 2017

HSMAI Region Europe DOC – Digital & Distribution Optimization Conference 29th March 2017

The first HSMAI Region Europe Digital & Distribution Optimization Conference DOC will take place in Amsterdam Wednesday 29th March 2017 at the same time as the 7th Annual HSMAI Region Europe Revenue Optimization Conference ROC. DOC will become one of HSMAI Region Europe’s annual key events and it is meant to replace the annual Digital Marketing Conference as well as the Distribution & Marketing Strategy Conference. The DOC and ROC conferences as well as the…

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Ingunn Weekly: Hold av datoene: Amsterdam 29. og 30. mars 2017

Ingunn Weekly: Hold av datoene: Amsterdam 29. og 30. mars 2017

Samtidig som vi er midt i gjennomføringen av våre mange arrangementer denne høsten, har vi jobbet med våre planer for Amsterdam-aktiviteter, som skjer siste uken av mars 2017. Du har kanskje lest om partnerskapet vårt med HFTP, blant annet gjennom denne pressemeldingen. Samlokaliseringen av noen av våre årlige, viktige arrangementer, sammen med HITEC Amsterdam, som finner sted for første gang på konferansesenteret RAI i Amsterdam fra 28. til 30. mars 2017. Ved å samlokalisere våre arrangementer…

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