80 år med rutefly fra Europa

80 år med rutefly fra Europa

1. juni 1939 markerer begynnelsen på rutefly mellom Europa og Norge. Første flyvningen var med KLM, og gikk fra Amsterdam via Kjevik til Fornebu. Ruten er dermed den eldste i historien til internasjonal luftfart i Norge. KLM feirer i år sitt 100 års jubileum på verdensbasis, og er verdens eldste flyselskap som fremdeles opererer under sitt opprinnelige navn. 80 år etter oppstarten flyr selskapet fortsatt til både Kjevik og Oslo, i tillegg til fem andre…

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Digitaliseringssjef i Nordic Choice Hotels på topp 20 blant Europas reiselivsledere

Digitaliseringssjef i Nordic Choice Hotels på topp 20 blant Europas reiselivsledere

Lisa Farrar, Chief Digital Officer i Nordic Choice Hotels, er kåret til en av de 20 fremste kommersielle lederne i europeisk reiseliv. Hun får prisen for nybrottsarbeid som ikke bare gagner selskapet, men som også påvirker hele bransjen. Listen over de 20 ble gjort offisiell  tirsdag 10. april i Amsterdam. Farrar har lang fartstid i bransjen, og siden 2016 har hun ledet Nordic Choice Hotels’ digitale transformasjon, og satsing på å skape verdens beste gjeste…

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Svein Arild Mevold blant Topp 20 i europeisk reiseliv

Svein Arild Mevold blant Topp 20 i europeisk reiseliv

De europeiske HSMAI-prisene ble utdelt i Amsterdam tirsdag kveld, med topp stemning, dansende gjester, utsøkt underholdning, mat, drikke og, men ikke minst, prisvinnere i verdensklasse – og nå er  Top 20 vinnerlisten offisielt sluppet. Der finner vi Norges egen Svein Arild Mevold, administrerende direktør i Scandic Hotels Norge. Det ble i år lansert nye kriterier, som gir rom for anerkjennelse av det samlede spekteret av kommersielle ledere i hele bransjen, som går hånd i hånd…

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HSMAI Region Europe to host numerous Amsterdam events on 10 and 11 April

HSMAI Region Europe to host numerous Amsterdam events on 10 and 11 April

Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) and HSMAI Region Europe, the Hospitality, Sales and Marketing Association International, are pleased to extend their partnership and co-locate their european activities again in April 2018. HSMAI Region Europe will co-locate its  Revenue Optimization Conference (ROC) and its Digital and Distribution Optimization Conference (DOC), as well as their other events with HFTP’s HITEC® Amsterdam – and we would very much like to see you there! HSMAI Region Europe ROC…

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The HSMAI Region Europe ROC and DOC program is ready – Sign up now!

The HSMAI Region Europe ROC and DOC program is ready – Sign up now!

Shaping the future Collaborate and Interact with industry thought-leaders Join us in Amsterdam Tuesday April 10th and Wednesday April 11th 2018 at Novotel Amsterdam City Tuesday 10th: HSMAI ROC & DOC and The HSMAI Awards 30+ Speakers & 250+ delegates, HSMAI ROC & DOC is the most interactive and dynamic gathering in Europe of leaders of its kind from the hotel and travel industry Press here to see the speakers and the updated program for the ROC &…

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HSMAI Region Europe’s first Curate events to be held in Amsterdam and London

HSMAI Region Europe’s first Curate events to be held in Amsterdam and London

AMSTERDAM, 30 January 2018 — Executives from HSMAI organisational members are offered a unique opportunity to share trends and predictions that will guide the priorities for the content and educational programmes that will be introduced by the association through a uniquely facilitated Curate – an HSMAI Executive Insights Forum event that will be held twice a year. It is a singular opportunity to connect with contemporaries around emerging issues and growing trends – resulting in…

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HFTP and HSMAI Region Europe to Co-locate European Conferences

HFTP and HSMAI Region Europe to Co-locate European Conferences

AUSTIN, TEXAS, USA (November 30, 2017) — Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) and HSMAI Region Europe, the hospitality, sales and marketing association international, are pleased to extend their partnership and co-locate European conferences again in April 2018. HSMAI Region Europe will co-locate its Revenue Optimization Conference (ROC) and its Digital and Distribution Optimization Conference (DOC) and their other events with HFTP’s HITEC® Amsterdam. HSMAI Region Europe’s, Annual ROC and DOC conference will take place on Tuesday 10TH…

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Ingunn Weekly: Bli med oss til Amsterdam i april!

Ingunn Weekly: Bli med oss til Amsterdam i april!

Hvert år er det en gruppe fra Norge som deltar på vår årlige europeiske konferanse innen Revenue Management, Distribusjon og Marketing. De er alle svært erfarne på sitt fagområde, og bruker konferansen til stadig å videreutvikle seg, og for å møte andre i bransjen som jobber med det samme. Tilbakemeldingene om konferansen er vært gode. Denne norske gruppen vil vi gjerne skal bli enda større, så bli med, du også! Datoene er 10. og 11….

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HSMAI Awards 2016

HSMAI Awards 2016

Europe’s Top 20 Extraordinary Contributors to the Industry in Sales, Marketing and Revenue Management were named during HSMAI Region Europe’s awards ceremony in Amsterdam on Wednesday 29 March 2017, in which Best in Class winners were also named in several categories. «The hospitality and travel industry requires creative thinkers and innovators. The HSMAI Region Europe Top 20 honours these top achievers in sales, marketing, and revenue optimisation of hospitality, travel and tourism organisations for their accomplishments….

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The latest in hospitality Revenue Management, Distribution and Digital Marketing trends presented in Amsterdam 29–30 March

The latest in hospitality Revenue Management, Distribution and Digital Marketing trends presented in Amsterdam 29–30 March

Europe’s number one leading annual events for Revenue Management, Digital Marketing and Distribution for the hospitality industry is taking place in Amsterdam on Wednesday and Thursday 29–30 March, co-located with HITEC Amsterdam 2017 – and you are very welcome to attend. «This is HSMAI Region Europe’s 7th Revenue Optimization Conference, with the added value of Digital and Distribution Optimization, held as a two-day event in Amsterdam’s RAI Exhibition and Convention Centre,» says HSMAI Region Europe President and…

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Sign up your team for ROC and DOC and The Think Tanks!

Sign up your team for ROC and DOC and The Think Tanks!

Europe’s number one place for the latest trends and news in our industry takes places in the Amsterdam RAI Exhibition and Convention Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands on 29 and 30 March 2017. Visit our landing page and sign up: http://hsmairoc.eu/ Sign up here. Programme ROC and DOC 29 March (You will find the 30 March programme here.) WHEN WHAT WHO 08:00 – 09:00 Registration, exhibitor showcase, networking and coffee 09:00 – 09:15 Welcome & update Please note this is…

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HSMAI Region Europe will be in Amsterdam for the CRME certification on Thursday 30 March

HSMAI Region Europe will be in Amsterdam for the CRME certification on Thursday 30 March

HSMAI Region Europe will be in Amsterdam for the CRME certification on Thursday 30 March. On Thursday 30 March HSMAI Region Europe will host an interactive Revenue Management workshop, after which the participants will complete the globally recognised CRME certification exam. The certification workshop will take place at RAI Amsterdam  from 10 am until 3 pm. The more you know, and the more you can prove you know, the better ROI you can provide to your…

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29th March 2017: Sign up for HSMAI Region Europe 7th Annual ROC

29th March 2017: Sign up for HSMAI Region Europe 7th Annual ROC

Sign up now for 7th Annual HSMAI Region Europe Revenue Optimization Conference ROC, taking place in Amsterdam on Wednesday 29th March 2017. The conference along with many other HSMAI Region Europe key events taking place on 29th and 30th March 2017 is co-located with HITEC Amsterdam. Read more about the collaboration in the press release here.   HSMAI Region Europe 7th Annual Revenue Optimization Conference ROC Wednesday 29th March 2017 RAI Amsterdam     Here…

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HSMAI Region Europe DOC – Digital & Distribution Optimization Conference 29th March 2017

HSMAI Region Europe DOC – Digital & Distribution Optimization Conference 29th March 2017

The first HSMAI Region Europe Digital & Distribution Optimization Conference DOC will take place in Amsterdam Wednesday 29th March 2017 at the same time as the 7th Annual HSMAI Region Europe Revenue Optimization Conference ROC. DOC will become one of HSMAI Region Europe’s annual key events and it is meant to replace the annual Digital Marketing Conference as well as the Distribution & Marketing Strategy Conference. The DOC and ROC conferences as well as the…

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Ingunn Weekly: Hold av datoene: Amsterdam 29. og 30. mars 2017

Ingunn Weekly: Hold av datoene: Amsterdam 29. og 30. mars 2017

Samtidig som vi er midt i gjennomføringen av våre mange arrangementer denne høsten, har vi jobbet med våre planer for Amsterdam-aktiviteter, som skjer siste uken av mars 2017. Du har kanskje lest om partnerskapet vårt med HFTP, blant annet gjennom denne pressemeldingen. Samlokaliseringen av noen av våre årlige, viktige arrangementer, sammen med HITEC Amsterdam, som finner sted for første gang på konferansesenteret RAI i Amsterdam fra 28. til 30. mars 2017. Ved å samlokalisere våre arrangementer…

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Ti ting å gjøre i Amsterdam

AMSTERDAM, Nederland (VG) — Få europeiske hovedsteder har mer vår over seg enn et tulipanblomstrende og utebordsydende Amsterdam. Våren og forsommeren kommer alltid tidlig til kanalbyen. Når utebordene blir stablet ut på Rembrandtplein og syklistene overtar Damrak, når kanalbåtene på Amstel kaster sine kalesjer og flokker av duer kurrer mot solmysende turister på Dam-plassen – ja, da er det vår i Amsterdam. Les mer hos VG Nett

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